
Epic Tale - Chapter 10 - Part 2

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While all of this was going on,  Angel looked down at the ship where the crew was fighting fiends and imps.
"I won't go with you. They are my family.", she said as her eyes scanned the scenery below.  
"If you don't, they will all die." Patience smirked at her. "You really have no choice."  
"There is always a choice.", Angel turned and faced him. "I can just kill you here and now.", Dark Angel said, as she began to take over. "It would solve everything."  
"Would it? You would take that risk, my beautiful Scarlet?"
Angel looked at Patience.
"Yes, if you don't stop this right now!" She yelled.  
The black winged Angel shook his head: "One word and all of this will end."  
Angel watcheed the wave crashing against the ship. Yells and screams from the crew members tore at her heart. She gasped as she saw the mast fell; her eyes widening as the ship was slowly being crushed, torn and shredded from the glory that the Sangue-Padre once was.
She didn't know Patience was already covering her from the sight of the others.
"Fine." She said defeated with a very low voice. "I will go. Just stop."  
Patience smirked and held out his hand to her. Angel reached out and placed her hand is his. His eyes glowed of trimuph as her pulled her closer and with his other hand claped a chocker around her neck.
"Now you can't use your gifts."  
Angel frowned and looked at him in confusion. "I gave my word."  
"I know, it is just for now." He turned her around. "Now watch the destruction of the ship and your beloved crew."  
"No!" Angel yelled.  
"Yes!" Patience bellowed loudly. "Kill them!Destroy everything!" He laughed wickedly as the creatures continued to rampage the ship and the crew.
"You lied to me...", Angel whispered with trembling voice.
"You lied to me!", Dark Angel screamed at him and tried to remove the collar.
Patience laughed again.
"After all you've been through, you still trust others that easily?"
Angel's eyes flashing angrily at him, but with the collar on, she was unable to do anything.  
Patience shook his head laughing at her. "So trusting and innocent in so  many ways." Reaching out he stroked her cheek. "It is one of the many reasons why I love you so much."  
Angel moved her head from his touch. "Don't touch me!"  
"You change your mind one day." Patience shrugged. "I can wait. You are more than worth waiting for."
Condenmed to be only able to watch, Angel stared in horror on the scenery below her, when she noticed something Patience missed. The black cretures drew away from the ship and the thick cloud of imps was thinned out as well. Now she could see Fluffles emerging from the ship and keeping the enemies at distance.
"You're loosing.", she said softly and a small smile appeared on her lips. Patience looked down at the battle frowning as he finally noticed the imps were no longer flooding the ship and that the focus was on the flying demons.
"Do not fail me!" He yelled out to them. "Kill them all but bring me the jester alive." Patience sneered. "Her death will be by my own hands."
He then turned back to Angel.
"Watch Angel." He demanded, his hand gesturing outwards. "Watch me defeat your precious captain."  
"He will not fall to you." Angel shook her head. "'Tis why he is our Captian."
Again, Patience laughed.
"Scarlet, you have no idea. The real fun is just about to begin."
As if this had been a command, the fountain rose from the broken reef, accompanied by the terrible noise.
Angel flinched a bit and she raised her hands to cover her ears.
"What have you done?" She shouted in bewilderment as she watched the water churning, bubbling  and shooting up into the air.  
"Watching a legend rise from the depths of dreams and nightmares." He said near her ear.
He pointed towards the fountain and beyond the turbulent water, Angel could see the edges of the hole dark against the light shallow water. It seemed to take forever for the noise to die down, but slowly the fountain shrinked and finally faded along with the scream.
Angel relaxed a bit when she glanced at the ship to find it unharmed. She was about to make a remark when Patience said:
"Now he's free."

Below the two angels, something neared the surface. It was a giant clawed hand, covered in ghostly white scales. Something else was covering the body as well, it looks as if the creature had  shed its skin, but the old rags were somehow still connected to the body. Then Angel saw the head emerging from the dark. It was larke, dominated by giant, opaque eyeballs. Due to the long and numerous, almost translucent fangs, the creature was unable to close it mouth. The skin seemed to be thin, Angel could see bluish veins and hints of the skeleton beneath it. Only two round openings indicated nose and two others the ears.

Angels eyes widened enormously and she could only stutter her words as she watched the creature breaking through the watery surface.
" that?"
"A freed prisoner. The beginning of the end." Patience smirked. "Isn't he beautiful?"
A shriek from the creature answerd him.
"You're mad!", Angel shouted out. "You're almost like Krashune!"
"I am nothing like him!" Patience frowned as he turned Angel's face towards his.  
"Yes you are! You are twisted and demented. You are hurting innocent people over some sick obsession!", Angel countered while yanking her head free from his hands. Her head turned from him as she continued to watch the demon rising from the water.

The end of the pale body faded from sight in the dark water, still the Head and shoulders rose. The creature had two humanlike arms, but much thinner and longer, with sharp and deadly looking claws at their ends.
Some of the fiends flew closer out of curiousity. As soon as they were within its reach, the demon grabbed some of them and quickly stuffed the screaming creatures into his mouth. It didn't chew and so the throat became a resonating body for the death cries. The fiends drew back from the ship and as if they followed a silent order, even the one battling the selkies now left the water. They all gathered in the air around the demon, just without the the reach of his arms. Then they all attacked at once. Again, the demon shrieked and with his arms he tried to wipe off the black bodies.

Angel glanced at Patience, but he still seemd to be satisfied.
"You betray your own allies?", she gasped.
"But I didn't betray them. In fact, I did warn them that they might be killed in battle. They laughed.", Patience answered with a smile.
"I just didn't mention the demon. With their immortality, this will be interesting. Waht do you think? Will they end up as an everlasting meal?"
Disgusted, Angel turned her head away from the scene, regretting the choice she made.
"Don't turn away. This is going to be a special moment."
"You had your revenge on Riddle, Patience, when you sold Nemo out. Why do you still want to kill them all?" Angel shook her head.
Tha dark angel's eyes darkend."My revenge won't be complete until she's dead.", he growled. "Besides, you rather than with them than with me and your father. You call them all family, despite the fact that only one of them is."
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, you don't know? My bad then.", Patience sneered.
"What are you talking about?!", Angel demanded.
"Just a little nothing. It won't matter anyway. There's no point in telling you, since he will die soon."
"I won't let anyone of them die!", Angel shouted and tried to get rid of the collar. Patience laughed at her fruitless attempts.
"Try all you want. I'm the only one who can release you, Scarlet. Now, when this is over, we'll return to you father."
Angel looked at him, "I don't want to go there. I have no desire to see him." Her lips curled in a sneer. "Besides, he won't like what you're doing to me."
"You don't have a choice but to come with me. As for your father, he ordered me to keep you safe and that's exactly what I'm doing."

Inside her mind, Dark Angel approached with an idea and took over.
"Then keep me safe.", she shouted and let herself fall down. Shortly before she would hit the water, she spreaded her wings and headed for the demon still battling with the fiends.
Patience watched Angel flying and called out to her as he took off after her. "Angel!"
Dark Angel ignored him, hoping he would follow her.
"Let me take back over. I know what you have planned." The dark one didn't want to but let Angel come back to the surface.
"Where are you going, my Dear?"  
Surprised Angel looks up to see a wet Reaper flying next to her.
"Reaper" Angel said a bit shocked and then smiled.
"You're back..." Her voice was laced with many emotions, manly relief.
"Did you ever doubt that?", Reaper teased.
"Maybe...", Angel whispered.
Reaper laughed. "What? Do yout hink I would stay in that selkie city? So where are you going? The big boy over there?"
"Yes." Angel nodded. "We have to destroy this thing."
"Leave it to me.", Reaper said and was about to rush forward, when he noticed the choker. His eyes narrowed.
"Wait, what the hell is that?"
I don't own any crew member character except for Lady Riddle. The other BFP characters belong to their respective owners, listed here:[link]
All other characters belong to me.
I am writing "Epic Tale" with :icondarlingangel0565:.
Please tell me if I displayed any character in a wrong way!

The Epic Tale

Chapter 1: Black Fedora Princesses
Part 1: [link]
Chapter 2: An Unexpected Treasure
Part 1: [link]
Chapter 3: A Passenger
Part 1: [link]
Chapter 4: Storm Ahead!
Part 1: [link]
Chapter 5: Hostile Environment
Part 1: [link]
Chapter 6: The Witch Doctor
Part 1: [link]
Chapter 7: A date with Lady Riddle
Part 1: [link]
Chapter 8: Home, Bittersweet Home
Part 1: [link]
Chapter 9: Fight!
Part 1: [link]
Part 4: [link]
Chapter 10: Demon Of The Deep
Part 1: [link]
Part 2: [link]
Part 3: [link]
Part 4: [link]
Part 5: [link]
© 2013 - 2024 Diluculi
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lunadomo's avatar
You show that Patience guy how strong you are Angel! And beat the demon up. :D Now unto next part!